

auth: null
Name: Limacher
Vorname: Armin
Email: limacher-gmbh@bluewin.ch
Telefon: 0412200818
Ihre Anfrage: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren

Mein Sohn, Lorin Limacher, ist in der 1. Klasse und möchte sehr gerne ein Probetraining mitmachen. Können sie uns eine Kontaktadresse angeben?
Wir wohnen am Wydenhofweg 4, 6010 Kriens.

Freundliche Grüsse

Armin Limacher

auth: null
Name: Elisabetta
Vorname: Giambanco
Email: elisabetta.giambanco@outlook.com
Telefon: Telefon
Ihre Anfrage: Dear Sir, Dear madam
I moved from Italy almost 1 year ago and my younger daughter loves rhythmische gymnastik. In Italy she was attending the first year course and she joined her first competitions in the regional championships. She was doing well and I have been searching everywhere to find a place in which she could keep on doing this wonderful sport. I don’t know if you could help me in finding a pool or a trainer for rhythmische gymnastik. This is the only sport she likes and she would really need for her health. We live in Adligenswil so it is impossible for us to go to Maggligen. Now she is really sad because after all this time I have not been able to find anything.
I would like to know if there is any sport center in Luzern or nearby to let her practice this wonderful sports that she loves so much.
We live in Adligenswil and I have no car here so long/far away commuting would be difficult. I would like to make moving easier for her trying to find a pool in which she can keep on practicing this wonderful sport.

Thank you for your help.

Best Regards

Elisabetta Giambanco

auth: null
Name: Elisabetta
Vorname: Giambanco
Email: elisabetta.giambanco@outlook.com
Telefon: Telefon
Ihre Anfrage: Dear Sir, Dear madam
I moved from Italy almost 1 year ago and my younger daughter loves rhythmische gymnastik. In Italy she was attending the first year course and she joined her first competitions in the regional championships. She was doing well and I have been searching everywhere to find a place in which she could keep on doing this wonderful sport. I don’t know if you could help me in finding a pool or a trainer for rhythmische gymnastik. This is the only sport she likes and she would really need for her health. We live in Adligenswil so it is impossible for us to go to Maggligen. She is really sad as I have not been able to find anything so far.
I would like to know if there is any sport center in Luzern or nearby to let her practice this wonderful sports that she loves so much.

Thank you for your help.

Best Regards

Elisabetta Giambanco

auth: null
Name: Despina
Vorname: Pantzartzi
Email: pan.despina80@gmail.com
Telefon: 0783111492
Ihre Anfrage: Hallo.ich habe eine Tochter 8.5 Jahre alt und sie möchte mit Geräte gymnastics beschäftigen sich. Wir kommen aus Griechenland und seit August 2018 wohnen wir in Alpnach. Die Kinder besuchen normalerweise die Alpnach Schule aber meine Tochter kann noch nicht sehr gut deutsch zu sprechen. Trotzdem ich glaube dass sie versteht genug. Entschuldigung für die Fehlern aber meine deutschkenntnisse ist auch noch nicht sehr gut. Gibt es ein Mannschaft für Mädchen so sie anmelden kann??und wie viel kostet es ungefähr??


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